ORA-24408: could not generate unique server group name

After continuous google for more than 10 hours, I finally came to a conclusion that the problem “ORA-24408: could not generate unique server group name” was not with oracle instanclient or the connection string oci_connect(). The only problem was with the mis-match of the hostnames of the application server defined in /etc/sysconfig/network & /etc/hosts.

[dfads params=’groups=-1′]

After modifying the hostnames in both the file to a single name, the problem was solved.

 $ vi /etc/sysconfig/network

$vi /etc/hosts

$ vi /etc/hosts
#   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4    RHEL65

$service network restart

The above steps helped me save my valuable time. Thanks to the bloggers.

I hope these information would help you too. Best wishes!

[dfads params=’groups=-1′]

[Source: http://ahmadzainuddinzakaria.blogspot.in/2012/06/warning-ociconnect-functionoci-connect.html]

How do I setup proxy in Red Hat Enterprise Linux to access internet?

To setup the proxy environment variable as a global variable, open /etc/profile file:

# vi /etc/profile

Add the following information:

export http_proxy=http://proxy-server.name.or.ip:3128/


export http_proxy=http://USERNAME:PASSOWRD@proxy-server.mycorp.com:3128/

Save and close the file.

[dfads params=’groups=-1′]