“Delicious smell of the fish curry”, murmured the e-rickshaw driver. He added, “it’s navaratan time. It was my turn beside him to speak on, one of my favorite topic. Instantly I replied, who cares, nobody can stop him who eats. I appended, God, most people don’t believe. Do you, my brother? Yes, I believe he whispered. Why do you believe God, brother? God has given me what I have.
Don’t know why but I always turn offensive when the topic arises on God. I can’t resist myself to give my views on it. I believe and always convey to all that God is null and void. It is nothing but an entity created by human being.
Well brother, but all the things that you have are the fruits that you have earned through your hard labor. I don’t think that God has given you a single thing, did he? I follow because all people follow. And hence I go to temple too. He puts his example, if you are good and people starts to believe and follow you then I must also follow you.
I replied with a mild giggle and falsified his example. My friend that is not always true, he fell quite which assessed that he got confused or determined. I continued, God is created by us and hence we wrote about him in books “Ved and Puran” thus people started to promote it and people who feared started to believe on God.
A complete silence was there until I reached my destination. I de-boarded, paid the charges and spelled my last words. Brother, thank you, you all are God for us. I looked at his innocent face then there I found not more than a decent smile.
I believe that there is only one God for me, the Humanity and we should worship what humanity serves. I mean to say there is God within us, in you, in me and within every human being. We should learn to find out God there, the existing Supremo as we see him in the stones of the temples. Thus, by respecting, caring and loving each other we can make this world more beautiful, wonderful and peaceful.