Valentine 2007

10 years from now, I was a final year engineering student at Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal. This was our last winter vacation at KU and I along with some of my friends had planned to stay at the college. We passed time by working on our academic projects, watching movies, learning guitar & drums. The objective was to enjoy the final moments there at fullest. That we didn’t miss.

Valentine 2007
We climbed the roof of the bus to travel our way.

It was 11th of Feb, 2007 in the evening after dinner when we suddenly decided to visit Charikot in order to enjoy snow fall. It didn’t take time to bag-pack and we left early next morning. Full of excitement and enthusiasm we had. I remember we climbed the roof of the bus to travel our way.

Valentine 2007
We could see the range of the Himalayas, feel the chilled weather but the snow was far away to reach
Valentine 2007
Valentine 2007

In the search for snow fall we reached the place but were saddened by the drought encountered. We could see the range of the Himalayas, felt the chilled weather but the snow was far away to reach. We went on asking people where we can find snow nearby but the replies from them made us feel down. They told us to visit places near Jiri to experience snow fall. We had lesser cash and lacked time, hence we stayed in the middle, passed the night there & enjoyed the beautiful range of Himalayas from the distant.

Valentine 2007
We enjoyed the beautiful range of Himalayas from the distant.
Valentine 2007
We clicked group pics.
Valentine 2007
Valentine 2007

After wasting a complete day in the search for snow, the next morning we left for KU. On the way we sang songs, cracked jokes, clicked group pics. We chose our ultimate goal and that was to celebrate and enjoy.

Valentine 2007
We jumped over our feet.
Valentine 2007
We posed.
Valentine 2007
We played and played and played with the snow.
Valentine 2007
Happiness had crossed its limit.

On our way back, we saw a hill covered with snow. We were delighted to see the scene. Let’s climb the hill, one of my friend giggled. All of us mourned for a moment then shouted yes, lets do it. Immediately, we asked the conductor to stop the bus and started to climb the mountain.

Valentine 2007
We played until we got exhausted.
Valentine 2007
I could not believe myself, finally I did it.

Ah! wow! gracious! I touched the snow for the first time in my life. Not only me, everyone of us screamed, jumped over our feet. Touched it, felt it, very light, cool, soft, powdered fluff. There wasn’t any limit to our happiness. Our dream came true. Finally, we did it. We played and played and played with the stale snow.

Valentine 2007
We played with the snowman too.
Valentine 2007
We took rest. We were exhausted.

We did all the things that people do in the televisions and movies. We enjoyed until our excitement faded. However, we achieved our destiny. Before it was too late we planned to return back. We climbed down the hill, we caught a bus and returned back to the source.

Valentine 2007
Valentine 2007
Valentine 2007
We climbed down the hill, we caught a bus and returned back to the source

The story hasn’t come to an end. It was a full of surprise when we experienced the fresh snow falling the next morning. It was 14th of Feb, 2007. It did after 60 years. All the people came out of  their houses. To touch it, to feel it, to experience it, the white powdered fluff. Everyone had a smile on their face, full of joy.

Valentine 2007
Valentine 2007 – Saaga
Valentine 2007
Valentine 2007 – Saaga
Valentine 2007
Valentine 2007 – Saaga
Valentine 2007
Valentine 2007 – Saaga
Valentine 2007
Valentine 2007 – Saaga

I felt like the God listened to us, our prayer. God appeared in front of us. I celebrated my Valentine 2007 with the nature of God.

10 years has been passed. I feel like it was yesterday. All I can have now are the only memories of the past. All I can do now is to feel nostalgic. I am getting jealous of myself. I wish I could bring back my days.

Thank you, you all are God for us!

“Delicious smell of the fish curry”, murmured the e-rickshaw driver. He added, “it’s navaratan time. It was my turn beside him to speak on, one of my favorite topic. Instantly I replied, who cares, nobody can stop him who eats. I appended, God, most people don’t believe. Do you, my brother? Yes, I believe he whispered. Why do you believe God, brother? God has given me what I have.

Don’t know why but I always turn offensive when the topic arises on God. I can’t resist myself to give my views on it. I believe and always convey to all that God is null and void. It is nothing but an entity created by human being.

Well brother, but all the things that you have are the fruits that you have earned through your hard labor. I don’t think that God has given you a single thing, did he? I follow because all people follow. And hence I go to temple too. He puts his example, if you are good and people starts to believe and follow you then I must also follow you.

I replied with a mild giggle and falsified his example. My friend that is not always true, he fell quite which assessed that he got confused or determined. I continued, God is created by us and hence we wrote about him in books “Ved and Puran” thus people started to promote it and people who feared started to believe on God.

A complete silence was there until I reached my destination. I de-boarded, paid the charges and spelled my last words. Brother, thank you, you all are God for us. I looked at his innocent face then there I found not more than a decent smile.

I believe that there is only one God for me, the Humanity and we should worship what humanity serves. I mean to say there is God within us, in you, in me and within every human being. We should learn to find out God there, the existing Supremo as we see him in the stones of the temples. Thus, by respecting, caring and loving each other we can make this world more beautiful, wonderful and peaceful.


कृपया गलत का समर्थन ना करे।

कुछ लोग राजनितिक पार्टिया के समर्थन / प्रशंसा ऐसे करते है  मानो की ओ अपने मामा के घर के सोने की हाथी हो। चाहे ओ कांग्रेस हो या कॉम्युनिस्ट। यह लोग एक दूसरे की खिचाई करने में कोई भी कसर नहीं छोड़ते। मेरे भेजे में एक बात नहीं घुश पाती है की यह लोग किसी भी पार्टी के लिए मरने मिटने के लिए क्यों तैयार होजाते है।

यह लोग खिचाई करने में उन्हें भी नहीं छोड़ते जो निस्पच्छ हो और अपने आपको साबित करने के लिए सारे के सारे उदहारण रट लेते है मानो की किसी भी समय परीछा देनेके लिए तैयार।

ताजुब की बात यह है की यह लोग सालो साल गिनवादते है, रात दिन बहस करने में लगादेते है और परिणाम वही आती है जो आप देखते आरहे है। गरीबी, शोषण, अन्याय, भ्रष्टाचार, निरक्षरता, जातिवाद, बेरोजगारी, भूखमरी, प्रदुषण, रोग, वामपंथी, उग्रवाद, दंगे, आदि इत्यादि। इन्हे लगता है की राजनितिक पार्टिया इनके मसीहा है जो सत्ता पे आते ही छण भर में सारे के सारे समस्या दूर करदेगी। यह खुसिया ऐसे ब्यक्त करते है जैसे की साले की बरात में जारहे हो जब इनकी पार्टी की जित होती है।

हम अधिकार और कर्तब्य की बाते भी करते है, हां सिर्फ बातें करते है। हम ना तो अपना कर्तब्य निभाते है नतो अपना अधिकार की जिक्र करते है।  इस लेख से हम यह बताना चाहते है की आप कोई भी पार्टी से जुड़े रहे, उसकी तहे दिलसे स्तुति करिये, हमें कोई दिक्कत नहीं है। परन्तु एक बात हमेशा ध्यान रखिएगा की आपकी पार्टी अगर सही कररहा है तो ठीक है मगर किसी भी तरीके से सत्ता की गलत उपयोग करे तो उसके खिलाफ जरूर आवाज उठाये नाकि उसको मसीहा के तरह पुजते रहे।  गलत और सही परखे और गलत के खिलाफ सारे जनता मिलकर १ आवाज उठाये ताकि समाज के जितने भी कुरीतिया है वह गायब होजाये। हां, यह मुमकिन है और यह तब मुमकिन होगा जब हम आपस में ना लड़े, धैर्य बनाए रखे और हम सब आपस में मिलकर अच्छा कार्य करे।

बेहुली अनि उ

जब ऊ रुदै आफ्नो जन्म दिने घर छाड्छे
आमा म जादिन भनि कराउछे अनि चिच्यौछे।

उसले हेर्छ अनि मन निराश पार्छ
मन खिन्न बनाउदै टुलु टुलु हेरी रहनछ।

आज ऊ बिहानै उठ्छे हात मुख धोई चुल्हो जलाउछे
चेली बेटी संग कुरा गर्छे अनि खै के कुरा मा खितकी छाडेर हास्छे।

उसले फेरी हेर्छ मन गद गद पार्छ
अनि हिजो को उसको रुवाई सम्झेर मन बिचल्ली मा पार्छ।

ऊ बिहानी भर सोचेर बस्छ अन्योल मा पर्छ
साथि भाइ संग गएर वार्तालाप गर्छ।

रुवाई उसको महत्वपुर्ण हथियार हो एउटा ले व्यंग्य गर्छ
हिज उसले त्यो हथियार मा बेस्क्नी धार लगाएकी हो।

भोलि देखि उसले यसलाई प्रयोगमा ल्याउनेछे
मन मा लागेका आफ्नो स्वार्थ पुरा गर्नेछे।

थप्दै अगाडी बढ्छ, होइन, बेदना मा डुबेकी थि उ
आमा संग को वर्षौ को संगत छाड्नु परेको थियो।

वर्षौ बसेको घर अनि साथि-संगिनी त्याग्नु परेको थियो
नया ठाउ अनि नया घर अपनाउनु परेको थियो।

जब ऊ रुदै आफ्नो जन्म दिने घर छाड्छे
आमा म जादिन भनि कराउछे अनि चिच्यौछे।


भदौ को भुइचालो।

घर बाट अङ्कल को फोन आयो, के छ उता को स्तिथि भनेर सोधे।  बिस्तारै ठिक हुन्छ भनेर भन्नु भो।  हरेक घर बाट १ मुठी चामल उठाउने अभियान चल्दै छ भनेर थप्नु भो।  मैले नि मेरो अफिस को कर्मचारी हरु बाट केहि रुपैया उठाएको छु भने।  र साथी हरु मिलेर बाटो बाटो मा  चिच्याएर कराएर चन्दा उठायौ मैले थपे।

गत बैशाख मा नेपाल मा गएको भिषण भुइचालो ले गर्नु गरेको थियो।  सिंगो नेपाल शोक मा डुबेकी थीन।  सबै नेपाली को मन मा भय र त्रास देखिन्थ्यो। शायद धेरै पछि नेपाल एक भएको थियो त्यति बेला मैले देखेको।

आज ४ महिना पछि फेरी अर्को भुइचालो आएको छ।  यस ले बिस्तारै जान धन को नास गरिरहेको छ।  फेरी नेपाली जनता मा भय र त्रास देखिन थालेको छ।  तर यस पालि नेपाली जनता एक भएका देखिदैनन।  शायद दाजु भाइ दिदि बहिनि काका काकी मामा माइजु हजुरबा हजुरमा लाइ भुचालो को कारण थाहा नभएको हुन सक्छ।

म फेरी सबै दाजु भाइ दिदि बहिनि काका काकी मामा माइजु हजुरबा हजुरमा लाइ हात जोडेर केहि भन्न चाहन्छु।  आजको लडाई जातिय होइन पहिचान को लडाई हो। हजारौ वर्ष देखि बस्दै आएका हामि तराई नेपाली लाइ आज पहिचान को खाचो छ। यस लाइ जोगाउन हजुरको आवाज को खाचो छ।  कृपया यो द्वन्द को कारण भित्रै देखि बुझिदिनुस ।

जसरि बैशाख को भुइचालो ले हामीलाई एक बनायो त्यसरी नै अहिले को भुइचालो ले हामी लाइ एक बनाओस भनि भगवान लाइ प्रार्थना गर्दछु। अन्त्य मा हजुर लाइ बिन्ति गर्छु हाम्रो पहिचान जोगाउन हाम्रो मद्दत गर्नुस, साथ् दिनुस र भुइचालो का प्रकम्पन हरु बाट हुने छ्यति लाइ रोक्नुस।  यो भुकम्प लाइ महा भुकम्प हुन बाट बचाऔ।