The concept of blog will never die, perhaps it has increasing rate of scope in upcoming future.

It is found that there is a rampage increase in the rate to write personal blogs where people are interacting with each other via the digital networks. In 2012, stated that there were more than 42 million blog users in and 46 million users in These numbers will be reaching the sky limit in upcoming future.


It has been already proved that people are interacting with each other via the virtual media and the number is continuously decreasing who interact physically. The online social media platforms such as facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. has taken all the time of citizens in every country. People sit online for hours to update their statuses, upload images, share tweets, write thoughts, etc. on their hand held devices or on their computers. This is why people are writing more and more than they speak in the public which is converting the social media platforms into micro and medium blogging sites.

Believe me or not, in my opinion, the upcoming generation will communicate with each other using texts and words & people will log their ideas, discussions, arguments, thoughts, etc. on the cloud using technology web based applications. Today they are sharing their thoughts on fb, twitter, quora, instagram, etc. Tomorrow they will owe their personal domain names to represent themselves. In Nepal and various other countries, the citizens avail their domain names free of cost. You can request your name from, an authorized institute in Kathmandu if you belong to Nepal. You just require a scan copy of a valid citizenship card if you want to register domain name for individual and a scan copy of company registration certificate for an organisation/company.


Blogging Statistics, Facts and Figures in 2012 – Infographic

A Thought into an Action

It started when a car was pooled and the front seat was chosen. A continuous horn was blown by the driver on the busy street. He was suggested not to make noise and was asked to drive peacefully. The fatal consequences of blowing horn in a busy street, residential areas,
school premises & hospital areas were elaborated. The horn was pulled off immediately and the subject was modified. A complete serene environment was created throughout the way until the destination was reached.

This happened to me when I caught a car in the morning for my office. When I reached the destination, I offered him 10 rupee tips along with the rent but he instantly denied the earlier, accepting the later and he gave a huge smile at his face. He said, “Bhai (Brother), you already have offered me tips before but I denied then too”. It is very generous & fortunate for such kind of people around us who understand and care for the environment.

Well, there isn’t any connection between the tips and the environment. However, I am writing this because it is we people who can make a relation between them. We lend tips to waiters at restaurants but we forget what we are offering them for. Why can’t we think for all services which are provided generously and are one or other way related directly or indirectly with the betterment of our environment must be applauded & awarded? For e.g. scavengers who collect the waste from your home, workers who clean the streets, shopkeepers who offer paper bags while you purchase goods, drivers who are calm and drive safely following each and every traffic rules, etc. These services are anyhow related with our environment and we are very few of us who appreciate their work and
award them for their better services.

In my opinion, tips are offered for the best services that are provided and to motivate the servicemen to work more sincerely and not because these are fashion or trend that we have to make. We can make difference by bringing fractional changes in ourselves and hence this may lead to
the construction of a sincere & serene world.


बेहुली अनि उ

जब ऊ रुदै आफ्नो जन्म दिने घर छाड्छे
आमा म जादिन भनि कराउछे अनि चिच्यौछे।

उसले हेर्छ अनि मन निराश पार्छ
मन खिन्न बनाउदै टुलु टुलु हेरी रहनछ।

आज ऊ बिहानै उठ्छे हात मुख धोई चुल्हो जलाउछे
चेली बेटी संग कुरा गर्छे अनि खै के कुरा मा खितकी छाडेर हास्छे।

उसले फेरी हेर्छ मन गद गद पार्छ
अनि हिजो को उसको रुवाई सम्झेर मन बिचल्ली मा पार्छ।

ऊ बिहानी भर सोचेर बस्छ अन्योल मा पर्छ
साथि भाइ संग गएर वार्तालाप गर्छ।

रुवाई उसको महत्वपुर्ण हथियार हो एउटा ले व्यंग्य गर्छ
हिज उसले त्यो हथियार मा बेस्क्नी धार लगाएकी हो।

भोलि देखि उसले यसलाई प्रयोगमा ल्याउनेछे
मन मा लागेका आफ्नो स्वार्थ पुरा गर्नेछे।

थप्दै अगाडी बढ्छ, होइन, बेदना मा डुबेकी थि उ
आमा संग को वर्षौ को संगत छाड्नु परेको थियो।

वर्षौ बसेको घर अनि साथि-संगिनी त्याग्नु परेको थियो
नया ठाउ अनि नया घर अपनाउनु परेको थियो।

जब ऊ रुदै आफ्नो जन्म दिने घर छाड्छे
आमा म जादिन भनि कराउछे अनि चिच्यौछे।


#SignMyTL – A Complete Microblog using PHP & MySQL (Facebook Like Timeline)


A website is a location to the internet that maintains one or more webpages.


Microblog is a social media site to which a user makes short, frequent posts.


#SignMyTL is a digital autobiograph for one who wants to create log of the key activities of their daily life on the Web. The key feature to this application is that user can share blog post, upload images, youtube videos, facebook timline layout, share immediate comments, smiley support, infinite scroll of website.

Why #SignMyTL?
1. I want my private TimLine public.
2. I want to make a history of my life.
3. I want to connect with my friends differently.
4. I am what my friends talk about me.
5. I want to say something silently.
6. Social Networks are getting fake day by day.
7. I want to be true to myself.

How to get #SignMyTL?

Click here to download #SignMyTL
Click here to view Live Demo

How to install #SignMyTL?

1. Extract and upload SignMyTL directory using ftp client software.

Directory Structure :

SignMyTL 1.0

  • assets
  • imagecache
  • includes
  • uploads

2. Use signmytl.sql to create database & tables.
3. Modify the database credentials in the SignMyTL/config.php.
4. Access your SignMyTL using

आमाले न सिखाएको सब्द, डर।

डर भन्ने कुरो खै किन छुदै छुयेन मेरो जिन्दगिलाइ। डरौथे त केवल आफ्नै बाउ सित। बाजे सित त डराइन, जसलाई देख्नासाथ सारा गाउ तर्सिन्थे।  बाजे को चप्पल गालामा न परेको होइन, यिनले माया पनि उतिनै गर्थे।

सायद मेरी आमाले मलाई डर को परिभासा न पढाएको भएर हुन सक्छ।  मन मा जे आयो तेही गरे।  जिन्दगीले जता डोर्यायो उतै लर्के।

:डी, त्यसो भन्न खोजेको होइन कि लाइफ मा डारौदै डराइन।  याद छ मेरो अंग्रेजी को पहिलो प्रिजन्टेसन, दुइ मिनट सबै को अगाडी ठिङ्ग उभेको, हात र खुट्टा ले झन्डै जवाब दिएको। अनि त्यो दिन कहाँ बिर्सन सक्छु जब उसलाई डेढ घण्टा लगाएर प्रोपोज गरेको थिए, सातो गाको थियो उसले गालि गर्छ कि भनेर।

२. …

भदौ को भुइचालो।

घर बाट अङ्कल को फोन आयो, के छ उता को स्तिथि भनेर सोधे।  बिस्तारै ठिक हुन्छ भनेर भन्नु भो।  हरेक घर बाट १ मुठी चामल उठाउने अभियान चल्दै छ भनेर थप्नु भो।  मैले नि मेरो अफिस को कर्मचारी हरु बाट केहि रुपैया उठाएको छु भने।  र साथी हरु मिलेर बाटो बाटो मा  चिच्याएर कराएर चन्दा उठायौ मैले थपे।

गत बैशाख मा नेपाल मा गएको भिषण भुइचालो ले गर्नु गरेको थियो।  सिंगो नेपाल शोक मा डुबेकी थीन।  सबै नेपाली को मन मा भय र त्रास देखिन्थ्यो। शायद धेरै पछि नेपाल एक भएको थियो त्यति बेला मैले देखेको।

आज ४ महिना पछि फेरी अर्को भुइचालो आएको छ।  यस ले बिस्तारै जान धन को नास गरिरहेको छ।  फेरी नेपाली जनता मा भय र त्रास देखिन थालेको छ।  तर यस पालि नेपाली जनता एक भएका देखिदैनन।  शायद दाजु भाइ दिदि बहिनि काका काकी मामा माइजु हजुरबा हजुरमा लाइ भुचालो को कारण थाहा नभएको हुन सक्छ।

म फेरी सबै दाजु भाइ दिदि बहिनि काका काकी मामा माइजु हजुरबा हजुरमा लाइ हात जोडेर केहि भन्न चाहन्छु।  आजको लडाई जातिय होइन पहिचान को लडाई हो। हजारौ वर्ष देखि बस्दै आएका हामि तराई नेपाली लाइ आज पहिचान को खाचो छ। यस लाइ जोगाउन हजुरको आवाज को खाचो छ।  कृपया यो द्वन्द को कारण भित्रै देखि बुझिदिनुस ।

जसरि बैशाख को भुइचालो ले हामीलाई एक बनायो त्यसरी नै अहिले को भुइचालो ले हामी लाइ एक बनाओस भनि भगवान लाइ प्रार्थना गर्दछु। अन्त्य मा हजुर लाइ बिन्ति गर्छु हाम्रो पहिचान जोगाउन हाम्रो मद्दत गर्नुस, साथ् दिनुस र भुइचालो का प्रकम्पन हरु बाट हुने छ्यति लाइ रोक्नुस।  यो भुकम्प लाइ महा भुकम्प हुन बाट बचाऔ।

10 Steps: get yourname dot com dot np domain in Nepal for Free?

All Nepalese citizens and companies are allotted with a free domain name with .np root by the Nepal Government. The only thing you require is a citizenship card or company registration certificate, in case you are a company.

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Follow the below steps to register your domain name with .np root:

1. Visit this website :


2. Follow the easy steps (1, 2 & 3) there.

3. Check your email, you will get couple of emails from Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd. You might get an email to update your password first.

4. Write an application to Mercantile office at Kathmandu (Full Address: Narayanhiti Path, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal) that you want to register a new domain name mentioning your registered domain. In case of company, the application must be written on the company’s letter head with it’s stamp & authorized signatories.

5. Scan a copy of this application & the citizenship card / Company Registration Certificate.

6. Login to with your latest credentials. Update your personal information.

7. Read the instructions & upload your documents.



8. If you have purchased space from hosting companies, update your nameservers.

9. Congratulations, you have registered your domain. Next, you have to attach this domain name with a space to host your website.

10. Drop an email to nomeasdev at gmail dot com if you require hosting space or if you have any doubt.

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थारु को हुन् ?

म सानै छदा कहिले काही हाम्रो घर मा पहाडी केरा को डोको बोकेर  आउनु हुन्थ्यो, एक जना बाजे।  म हजुरबा लाइ सोध्थे को हुन् इनि भनेर।  हजुरबा ले इनि मेरो मित हुन् भन्थे।  हामि केरा खादै रमौंथ्यो र मित बाजे संग गफ गर्थ्योउ। बाजे ले हामि लाइ नेपाली बोल्न सिकाउनु हुन्थ्यो।  बाजे १ हप्ता पछि फर्किनु हुन्थ्यो, १ बोरा चामल त्यहि डोको मा राखेर।     

अहिले म सोचेर दङ्ग पर्छु।  मित बाजे कोसौ टाढा पहाड बाट डोको बोकेर हाम्रो गाउ पैदल आउनु हुन्थ्यो र पैदल नै चामल बोकेर फर्किनु हुन्थ्यो।  मोटर चल्दैनथ्यो त्यति बेला।   हजुरबा ले भन्नु हुन्छ उहा धेरै गरिब हुनुहुन्छ भनेर। पहाड  मा जिउनु गार्हो छ अरे।  

त्यसैले नै होला धेरै पहाडी हरु चामल लिन तराई झर्थे २० साल पहिले।

हजुरबा ले भन्नु हुन्छ, हाम्रो ४० बिघा जमिन थियो।   नवलपरासी का धेरै गाउ हरु मा थारु हरु जमिन्दार थिए। बिस्तारै पहाडी भाग बाट मानिस हरु तराई वोर्लिए।  थारु हरु ले इन्लाई सरह दिए।  

आज एकजाना पहाडी साथि ले को हुन् थारु र के का लागि आन्दोलन गरिरहेका छन् भनेर सोधे। मेरो कुनै जवाब थिएन।  म उसको अनुहार हेरेर मुस्काए मात्र।     

Install SSL Certificate – godaddy

[ Login to Godaddy Sales Account ]
1. Login to your godaddy sales account -> Go to SSL Certificates -> Click on Manage

2. Click on View Status

3. Click on download from Certificate Management Options -> Extract from the zip file (You will get two .crt files)

[ Login to Hosting cPanel ]

4. Login to your hosting cPanel -> Go to Home -> Go to SSL / TLS -> Click on Certificates (crt)

5. Browse and upload crt file (That you downloaded from the Sales, follow point 3)

6. Next you will be followed by the system.


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How to implement Heatmap on Websites using PHP, MySQL, jQuery and Ajax?

I was assigned a task when an Interviewer interviewed me and that was a Technical question. I was asked to design a system that can gather click data from a webpage and show it later in form of a Heatmap.

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This system can be integrated into any website which records visitor clicks on the page. The goal of of this will be to track visitor’s mouse clicks on various elements of the page and later show them accurately in form a Heatmap. The owner should be able to see aggregated click data in form of an overlay on top of his webpage. The areas in the heatmap that are red more clicks compared to the areas that are white.

After googling through the internet I found some resources which were very interesting. I devoted some time and tried to implement a demo. Please follow the following Steps:

1. Client Code : Create a file index.php and include the following code below. This is the page where users make clicks.

<script type=’text/javascript’ src="js/jquery-lib.js"></script> <!– jQuery library –>
<script type=’text/javascript’ src="js/hm-dev.js"></script> <!– Log JS –>

<title> Labs</title>
<div style="text-align:center">
<img src="99-ws-labs.jpg" />


2. The Ajax Call : Create a JS file named as hm-dev.js. This file is included in the above index.php page. Add the snippet below:

Author : Dev
Date : 12/06/2015

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
//alert(window.location.href.toString().split([1]+" — "+e.pageX+" — "+e.pageY);
log_click(window.location.href.toString(), e.pageX, e.pageY);
var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName(‘canvas’)[0]; = "none";

function log_click(page, x, y){ // log clicks for heatmap
type: ‘POST’,
url: ‘log_click.php’,
crossDomain: true,
data: "x_coord="+x+"&y_coord="+y+"&page="+page,
dataType: ‘json’,
success: function(responseData, textStatus, jqXHR)
if (responseData== 1){
console.log("Click logged: " + x + ", " + y);

console.log("Error – click not logged " + x + ", " + y);
error: function (responseData, textStatus, errorThrown)
console.warn(responseData, textStatus, errorThrown);
alert(‘CORS failed – ‘ + textStatus);

3. Log the Clicks : Create a PHP file named with log_click.php and add the following snippet.


header(‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *’);
header(‘Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS’);
header(‘Access-Control-Max-Age: 1000’);
header(‘Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type’);

//echo json_encode(array("your_request_was" => $_POST[‘page’].$_POST[‘x_coord’].$_POST[‘y_coord’]));

include(‘config.php’); //Create config.php file and define $dbuser, $dbpass & $dbname

$page = htmlentities($_POST[‘page’]);
if($page == "/"){ $page = "/index.php"; }
$xcoord = htmlentities($_POST[‘x_coord’]);
$ycoord = htmlentities($_POST[‘y_coord’]);
$time = date( ‘Y-m-d H:i:s’);

$conn = mysql_connect(‘localhost’, $dbuser, $dbpass);
mysql_select_db($dbname, $conn);
$page = mysql_real_escape_string($page);
$xcoord = mysql_real_escape_string($xcoord);
$ycoord = mysql_real_escape_string($ycoord);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO clicks (timestamp, page, x, y) VALUES (‘$time’, ‘$page’, $xcoord, $ycoord)");
echo "1";
echo ‘0’;



4. Create MySQL Table : Create table with following fields:


`timestamp` datetime NOT NULL,
`page` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
`x` int(255) NOT NULL,
`y` int(255) NOT NULL


That’s it, the first part is over. After implementing the above steps you will be able to log clicks on the MySQL Table. The next and the main part is viewing the heat maps.

5. Create the Admin Page : Create PHP page named with admin.php. This page will lists out all the domains on which the client side code is added. When the links are clicked, their respective heatmaps will be displayed below the same page.  Admin Code is listed below:


Author : Dev
Date : 12/06/2015
$con2 = mysql_connect(‘localhost’, $dbuser, $dbpass);
mysql_select_db($dbname, $con2);
$query = "SELECT distinct page FROM `clicks` WHERE 1";
$result = mysql_query($query);
<title>Heatmap Admin</title>
<script type=’text/javascript’ src="js/jquery-lib.js"></script>

<script type=’text/javascript’ src="js/heatmap.js"></script>
var heatmapInstance = h337.create({
container: document.querySelector(‘.display’),
radius: 25

var timescale = "day";
var page = jQuery(this).attr(‘value’);
var postData = "timescale="+timescale+"&page="+page;
dataType: "json",
data: postData,
beforeSend: function(x) {
if(x && x.overrideMimeType) {
}, url: ‘heatmap.php’,
success: function(data) {

if (data.amount > 0){
for (i=0; i<data.amount; i++){
x: data[i].x,
y: data[i].y,
value: 2

<body >
<div style="width:100%; border:1px solid; black;">
[Click on the Websites below to View their respective HeatMaps]<br>
<ul style="font-size:12px;">
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
<li><a href="#" class="showcanvas" value="<?=$row["page"]?>"> <?=$row["page"]?></a></li> <br/>


<div class="display" style="width:100%;height:100%;border:1px solid; black;float:right;">



The main logic behind the code is the heatmap.js library. In order to understand in detail you can explore the following references:




You can view the Demo here: 

1. Client / Users Page : where you can make some clicks on the webpage.

2. Admin Page : where you can view the Heatmap.

Also, You can download the whole code from here : Download

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PS : The client code can be installed into any website and their logs can be maintained on the remote server. If you go through the client side code you can see the ajax code implemented with CORS (Cross Origing Resource Sharing) using jQuery.